Jenkins Governance Meeting Archive 2017

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to

This page is an archive of past meeting agendas, their minutes and IRC logs, for the year shown above. For current information, see the Governance Meeting page.

December 20th meeting

WHEN: December 20th 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • No LTS status check due to holiday schedule change

December 6th meeting

WHEN: December 6th 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check

MINUTES summary and raw

November 22nd meeting

WHEN: November 22nd 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check (  (olivergondza))

  • Planned release schedule for holiday season (topic for discussion proposed by (andresrc)

MINUTES summary and raw

November 8th meeting

Note that the meeting time is in UTC, due to daylight savings time the start time for you may have changed recently.

WHEN November 8th 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

October 25th meeting

WHEN October 25th 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check (  (olivergondza))

  • Q4 patron messages (Daniel)

MINUTES summary and raw

October 11th meeting

WHEN October 11th 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

September 27th meeting

WHEN September 27th 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check (  (olivergondza))

  • Huayou Tech request for mark usage for events "Jenkins User Conference China" (Forest Jing)

MINUTES summary and raw

September 13th meeting

WHEN September 13th 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check (  (olivergondza))

  • CloudBees request for mark usage for events  “Jenkins Days by CloudBees” (Alyssa Tong)

  • TechMatrix request for mark usage for events "Jenkins Day Japan" (Kohsuke)

  • Introduction to Forest Jing - JAM Shanghai & Beijing organizer 

MINUTES summary and raw

August 16th meeting

WHEN August 16th 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

August 2 meeting

WHEN August 2nd 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

July 19 meeting

WHEN July 19th 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check (  (olivergondza) )

  • Deprecate "jenkins" official docker image (that we don’t control) and "jenkinsci/" and start deploying our own stuff under "jenkins/" docker registry (ndeloof)

MINUTES summary and raw

July 5 meeting

WHEN July 5th 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

June 21st meeting

WHEN June 21st 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

June 7th meeting

WHEN June 7th 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

May 24th meeting

WHEN May 24th 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check (  (olivergondza) )

    • Next LTS baseline selection ([~olivergondza])

  • Purchasing a SendGrid account to send project emails from Azure-based applications -  (rtyler) (olblak)

  • Adding  (olblak) as an admin in LDAP and provide access to jenkins-keys (provides puppet dashboard, account admin access, ability to encrypt secrets, etc)

MINUTES summary and raw

May 10th meeting

WHEN: May 10th 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

April 26th meeting

WHEN: April 12th 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

April 12th meeting

WHEN: April 12th 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

March 29 meeting

WHEN: March 29 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS Status check ( (olivergondza))

  • Sublicense request, on behalf of JFrog, "Jenkins Community Day" event in Paris (Alyssa Tong)

  • Java 8 baseline bump heads up ((batmat))

MINUTES summary and raw

March 15 meeting

WHEN: March 15 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS Status check ( (olivergondza))

  • The "Day of Jenkins" events (in GOT and OSL) needs a sub license (Lars Kruse)

  • Obtain sub license for "DevOps Connect & Jenkins Days" events (Alyssa Tong)

MINUTES summary and raw

March 1 meeting

WHEN: March 1 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS Status check ( (olivergondza))

  • Pick new LTS line ( (olivergondza))

  • The future of the patron program ((danielbeck))

    • It doesn’t make sense in its current form with the wiki slowly getting replaced

    • Do we want to just end it (for now), or implement e.g. on the site, on JIRA, …?

  • Obtain clearance on trademark usage "CloudBees Jenkins X" (Alyssa Tong)

  • GSoC 2017 update ( (oleg_nenashev))

MINUTES summary and raw

Feb 15 meeting

WHEN: Feb 15 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS Status check ( (olivergondza))

  • GSoC update ((oleg_nenashev))

  • Infrastructure update ((rtyler))

  • Should we host plugins with closed-source dependencies? ((batmat), (orrc))

    • (batmat) brought up the point after HOSTING-271

    • Closed-source plugins are explicitly banned in the Governance Document ("But no such [proprietary] plugins will be hosted by the Jenkins project.") and on Hosting Plugins

    • Should we add a clarification that the source of all dependencies (which implies transient?) must also be open source? Or are binary blobs (so long as they’re accessible) ok?

MINUTES summary and raw

Feb 1 meeting

WHEN: Feb 01 18:00 UTC

Part 1:

MINUTES summary and raw

Part 2:

MINUTES summary and raw

Jan 18 meeting

WHEN Jan 18 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

Jan 4 meeting

WHEN Jan 4 18:00 UTC

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check

    • This should be quick as we postponed the .2 release (smile)

MINUTES summary and raw