Contributing to the Adopters page

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to

This directory contains metadata required for the Jenkins Adopters page on The page is auto-generated from the data provided here.

Share your story

We encourage Jenkins users and adopters to share their success stories about Jenkins! There are multiple ways to do it:

Whatever way you choose, we encourage you to contact the Advocacy and Outreach SIG and let them know about your story so that it can be promoted through Jenkins community channels.

Add your company to the Adopters list

A new company can be added via a pull request to the Jenkins website.

  1. Fork and clone the repository to a local computer. You can find the development guidelines here.

  2. Create a COMPANY_ID.adoc file in the /content/_data/adopters directory (see the template below).

    • Company ID should be a unique identifier, with up to 32 symbols and no spaces.

  3. Fill in the template fields

  4. Add a company logo file to the /content/images/adopters directory.

    • The file name should be COMPANY_ID

    • Supported image extensions: .png, .jpg, or .jpeg. PNG is recommended

    • Recommended size: 128x128px

  5. Submit a pull request to with the update

Template for COMPANY_ID.adoc:

name: "TODO: company name"
url: "TODO: company URL"
detailsUrl: "TODO: URL with a page describing the adopter's relation to Jenkins (user story, project page, etc.)"
detailsLinkText: "TODO: display name for the details link"

If you want to test your patch before submitting it, it is possible to run the website locally. See the guidelines here.