Jenkins Sub-projects

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to

At the heart of the Jenkins project exists the automation engine’s core and hundreds of plugins. There are however other collaborative initiatives going on under the umbrella of the Jenkins project which grow or expand the project in new ways.

Blue Ocean

Blue Ocean

Blue Ocean is a project that rethinks the user experience of Jenkins, modelling and presenting the process of software delivery by surfacing information that’s important to development teams with as few clicks as possible, while still staying true to the extensibility that Jenkins always has had as a core value.

Blue Ocean also incorporates "The Jenkins Design Language (JDL)" which is a standardized set of components and a style guide that help developers create plugins which effortlessly retain the look and feel of the Blue Ocean user experience.

Blue Ocean status

Blue Ocean will not receive further functionality updates. Blue Ocean will continue to provide easy-to-use Pipeline visualization, but it will not be enhanced further. It will only receive selective updates for significant security issues or functional defects.

Alternative options for Pipeline visualization, such as the Pipeline: Stage View and Pipeline Graph View plugins, are available and offer some of the same functionality. While not complete replacements for Blue Ocean, contributions are encouraged from the community for continued development of these plugins.

The Pipeline syntax snippet generator assists users as they define Pipeline steps with their arguments. It is the preferred tool for Jenkins Pipeline creation, as it provides online help for the Pipeline steps available in your Jenkins controller. It uses the plugins installed on your Jenkins controller to generate the Pipeline syntax. Refer to the Pipeline steps reference page for information on all available Pipeline steps.

Document Jenkins on Kubernetes

Google Season of Docs

Kubernetes is a platform-agnostic container orchestration tool created by Google and heavily supported by the open-source community as a project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Kubernetes is compatible with the majority of CI/CD tools which allow developers to run tests, deploy builds in Kubernetes and update applications with no downtime.

Jenkins on Kubernetes is a popular theme for Jenkins users. There are a lot of presentations and articles about running Jenkins on Kubernetes, however, there’s currently no central location for documentation describing Jenkins on Kubernetes. This project would create a new Kubernetes Volume which would describe the concepts, techniques, and choices for Kubernetes users running Jenkins.

Google Summer of Code

Summer of Code

The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project is an annual, international, program which encourages college-aged students to participate with open source projects during the summer break between classes. Students accepted into the program receive a stipend, paid by Google, to work well-defined projects to improve or enhance the Jenkins project. In exchange, numerous Jenkins community members volunteer as "mentors" for students to help integrate them into the open source community and succeed in completing their summer projects.



As an independent open source project, Jenkins maintains most of its own infrastructure including services which help keep the project running. The kinds of things that fall into "infrastructure" can span from operating virtual machines and distribution networks, to project-specific applications developed to make the development of Jenkins core and plugins more efficient.

There are various sub-groups and opportunities to contribute to the Jenkins project’s infrastructure.

Jenkins Area Meetups

Social Jenkins events

Jenkins Area Meetups (JAMs) are local meetups intended to bring Jenkins users and contributors together for socializing and learning. JAMs are organized by local Jenkins community members who have a passion for sharing new Jenkins concepts, patterns and tools. JAMs can be found around the world, and if there isn’t a JAM in your city, you could be the one to start it!

Jenkins Area Meetups are driven by local organizers but receive support from the Jenkins project via swag (stickers, etc), promotion, and help bootstrapping and operating the meetup group.

Jenkins Remoting


Jenkins Remoting is a library, and executable Java archive, which implements the communication layer in Jenkins. This includes the TCP-based communication protocols, remote procedure calls, class loading, data streaming, etc. Currently Remoting is primarily used in communications between the Jenkins controller and its agents. It is also used for the Remoting-based CLI and the Maven Integration plugin.

The Remoting sub-project includes the Remoting library itself, package for agents, and a number of Remoting-specific plugins and core modules.

Jenkins Configuration as Code

Jenkins Configuration as Code

Setting up Jenkins is a complex process, as both Jenkins and its plugins require some tuning and configuration, with dozens of parameters to set within the web UI manage section.

Jenkins Configuration as Code allows to define this whole configuration as a simple, human-friendly, plain text yaml syntax. Without any manual step this configuration can be validated and applied to a Jenkins controller in fully a reproducible way. With JCasC setting up a new Jenkins controller will become a no-brainer event.

Jenkins Operator for Kubernetes

Jenkins Operator

The Jenkins Operator is a Kubernetes Native Operator which manages operations for Jenkins on Kubernetes. It has been built with Immutability and declarative Configuration as Code in mind.

This project enables community to run Jenkins in a cloud-native environments like Kubernetes. Also, supports most of the public cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP) in terms of additional capabilities like backups, observability and cloud security.