Jenkins Governance Meeting Archive 2016

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to

This page is an archive of past meeting agendas, their minutes and IRC logs, for the year shown above. For current information, see the Governance Meeting page.

Dec 21 meeting

WHEN Dec 21 18:00 UTC

MINUTES summary and raw

Dec 7 meeting

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check ( (olivergondza))

    • Is Kohsuke OK releasing 2.32.1 on 2016-12-21 or should we postpone to 2017-01-04?

    • Should we just skip two weeks around Christmas like we did last year, postpone .2 RC from Jan 4 to Jan 18? ((danielbeck))

  • JDK8 as baseline, with the timeline proposed by Oliver (batmat)

  • New Security Officer announcement ((rtyler))

MINUTES summary and raw

Nov 23 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

Nov 9 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

October 26 meeting

We decided to switch to a fixed UTC-based time for the project meeting. It’s now always at 18:00 UTC. This is the first meeting at this new time.

MINUTES summary and raw

October 12 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

September 28 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

September 14 meeting

Skipped due to Jenkins World.

August 31 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

August 17 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

August 3 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

July 20 meeting

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check ( (olivergondza))

  • GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))

  • Obtain permission to post Jenkins World banner on[] and ( (atong))

MINUTES summary and raw

July 6 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

June 22 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

June 8 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

May 25 meeting

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check

  • GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))

MINUTES summary and raw

May 11 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

Apr 27 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

Apr 13 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

Mar 30 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

Mar 16 meeting

It’s DST change season: Make sure you’re not off by one (hour)!

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check

  • Next LTS baseline selection

  • Seek trademark usage approval for "Jenkins Days" ((kohsuke))

  • Infrastructure status update ((rtyler))

  • Events status update ((atong))

  • Security status update ((danielbeck))

MINUTES summary and raw

Mar 2 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

Feb 17 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

Feb 3 meeting

  • Recap last meeting’s actions

  • LTS status check

  • Seek trademark approval for Jenkins World 2016 logo ( (atong))

  • Infrastructure status report - (rtyler)

  • Should Jenkins be a mentor organisation for Google Summer of Code? ( (oleg_nenashev))

    • Deadline is 19th February

    • Summary slides:

  • Do we have a timeline for the Governance Board elections? ((orrc))

  • Discussion: clarify that plugins available through the update center are required to have their source code canonical repository hosted under the Jenkinsci GitHub organization (batmat)

    • As a first step, only discuss the matter (hopefully with the board). Only potentially on a future meeting may we want to settle on something and act upon it.

    • For context the last thread about it

MINUTES summary and raw

Jan 20 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw

Jan 6 meeting

MINUTES summary and raw