Jenkins at FOSDEM 2019

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to

This is an archive page. See this page for the recent and incoming FOSDEM events.

Jenkins did not have a stand at FOSDEM 2019, in Brussels, on February 2 & 3, 2019.

However, the following Jenkins activities are being planned as FOSDEM Fringe


  • Friday, February 1 from 9am - 5pm: Jenkins Office Hours 

    • meetup page

    • location: Hilton Brussels Grand Place, meeting room: BTA
      Carrefour de l’Europe 3
      1000 Brussels

  • Friday, February 1 evening : pre-FOSDEM happy hour (Cafe Le Roy d’Espagne)

  • Friday, February 1 - Workshops. There will be two Jenkins tutorials/workshops:

  • Saturday & Sunday, February 2 & 3:  attend sessions @ FOSDEM

    • Kohsuke is speaking on Sunday, Feb 3

  • Monday, February 4: all day contributor summit and or hackathon 

Who’s attending: