Hacktoberfest - Jenkins Event Kit

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to https://www.jenkins.io/doc.

This page is an extension of the standard Hacktoberfest Event Kit. Please refer to this page for the base guidelines.


Hacktoberfest is an online event, but there are many events being organized by open-source communities. You can join one of these events. We encourage Jenkins Area Meetup (JAM) organizers and contributors to run Jenkins-specific events in October (workshops, hackergartens, hackathons, etc.).

How to organize an event?

If you are a meetup organizer, just use your existing Jenkins Area Meetup to run the event. Evening events could follow the recommended JAM schedule, but it is also possible to organize a full-day event.

If you are not a meetup organizer but want to host a meetup, please ping us in our Gitter channel so that we can help with reaching out to meetup organizers.


  • Find a venue, set the date

  • Schedule a meetup and announce it, preferably as a Jenkins Area Meetup

  • Register the meetup on the Hacktoberfest site (see the Event Kit)

  • Add a meetup to our Hacktoberfest page and then add it to the list of events (guide). It can be done in a single pull request.

Sample agenda and resources

Hacktoberfest Event Kit offers a good sample agenda for events, you can stick to it.

There are few name/topics we advertise:

  • Contributing intro meetup - Meetup with introduction to Hacktoberfest and talks about contributing to Jenkins: how to contribute, success stories, live demos.

  • Hackathon - Event where participants split to teams and work together on a limited number of predefined topics (e.g. see featured projects)

  • Hackergarten/workshop - Hack and study together. Combines show-and-tell presentations and some time for participants to hack something. See the Hackergarten page for more info

  • Jenkins and Friends - Joint meetup with other groups and open-source projects. Work together on on integrating your projects with Jenkins or adopting modern Jenkins features in your projects, e.g. Jenkins Pipeline or Configuration as Code.


If you organize a meetup, Hacktoberfest organizers will send you some swag if you register the event timely. See these events.

Jenkins project will not be able to send Hacktoberfest 2019 swag timely to meetup organizers, but it is possible to print stickers locally. Sticker sources can be found on the artwork page and printed locally. Please contact the meetup sponsors to cover the production costs.