Jenkins Contributor Summit - June 2021

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The Jenkins Contributor Summit brings together current and future contributors to the Jenkins project. It brings together community members to learn, meet, and help shape the future of Jenkins.

The contributor summit took place on June 25, 2021. It was an online event, co-located with cdCon - the annual event that brings together technology teams, enterprise leadership and open source communities to drive the future of software delivery.

The summit included project updates by the Governance Board, working and special interest groups. We also organized breakout sessions to discuss key initiatives in the project and its roadmap. Topics include but not limited to: architecture changes, Jenkins Security, Cloud Native Jenkins, interoperability with CDF and CNCF projects, documentation, and user experience. We had lightning talks and demos of the new and upcoming Jenkins features. We also organized a track for newcomer contributors who want to participate in the project.

The Jenkins Contributor Summit was hosted by the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) and the Jenkins community. It eas co-located with cdCon on Jun 22-24. There were also many Jenkins-related talks and sessions there, and also a Birds of Feather session. See the schedule here.


The contributor summit included the following categories: State of the Union, Newcomer track, End user panel, Contributor track with many unconference sessions in breakout rooms, Ignite Talks and Demos, Happy hour and closing afterparty. See the full agenda here.

State of the Union (video and full agenda)

We’ll highlight key Jenkins initiatives there:

Newcomer track (video and full agenda)

Track for newcomer contributors and those who just want to start contributing to Jenkins or consider doing it.

  • Adopting a plugin (video)

  • Contributing to documentation (video)

  • Helping with ReactJS projects (video)

  • Introduction to plugin development (video)

  • Intro to pipeline development (video)

  • Jenkins outreach programs and how to participate

End User Panel (video and full agenda)

Several Jenkins end users will talk about their experiences, issues they hit and expectations from Jenkins evolution. These are not demos sessions or feature/company presentations. Contributors will have an opportunity to ask questions and clarify some points.

Contributor Track (full agenda)

The goal of the contributor track is to gather as many people as possible to discuss the next major initiative. Several topics will be covered simultaneously in breakout rooms. We will follow the unconference format. Any topics about Jenkins are welcome, please submit them in advance as documented above. Examples of the topics:

  • Interoperability with Tekton Pipelines and Jenkins X

  • Jenkins operator for Kubernetes

  • Java 11 by default and Java 17 compatibility (video)

  • Jenkins and Open Telemetry

  • Don’t shave the yak: Jenkins STD Lib and support for GitHub Actions (video)

  • Plugin End of Life Policy

  • Terminology updates sync-up (video)

  • Guava update (video)

  • Securing Jenkins SDLC

  • CDF Project Collaboration, led by those project leaders, the goal is to highlight and strengthen cross project collaboration.

Ignite Talks and Demos (video and full agenda)

Series of really short talks and demos, up to 5 minutes each. The idea is to pitch your project or an idea for future discussion at unconference, anything about Jenkins would work.

Closing and Happy Hour (video)

Closing event and afterparty.