Update SCM URL
Update the SCM URL in the SCM section of the pom file
GitHub has deprecated one of the unauthenticated access protocols (git:// protocol).
The pom.xml
section that defines the scm
for the plugin should refer to the repository with the https://
protocol instead of the git://
Create a branch
In a local copy of your fork of the plugin repository create a git branch for your work with the command:
git checkout -b {task-identifier} master
Use https instead of git protocol
Edit the scm section in the pom XML file to replace git:// with https:// .
- <connection>scm:git:git://github.com/jenkinsci/your-plugin.git</connection>
+ <connection>scm:git:https://github.com/jenkinsci/your-plugin.git</connection>
Create a pull request
Commit that change:
git add {modified-files}
git commit -m "{task-description}"
Push the change to GitHub:
git push origin --set-upstream {task-identifier}
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 remote: remote: Create a pull request for '{task-identifier}' on GitHub by visiting: remote: https://github.com/user/your-plugin/pull/new/{task-identifier} remote: To github.com:user/your-plugin.git * [new branch] {task-identifier} -> {task-identifier} Branch '{task-identifier}' tracking remote branch '{task-identifier}'.
Notice that the output of the command includes the URL, which can be used to open a pull request. Copy that URL in your web browser and submit a pull request.