Enable incrementals

Publish incremental development artifacts

Jenkins evaluation of pull request builds is faster and easier when incremental builds are enabled. See the jenkins.io incremental build instructions for more details.

Create a branch

In a local copy of your fork of the plugin repository create a git branch for your work with the command:

git checkout -b {task-identifier} master

Run the Maven command to enable incrementals:

mvn incrementals:incrementalify

Create a pull request

Commit that change:

git add {modified-files}
git commit -m "{task-description}"

Push the change to GitHub:

git push origin --set-upstream {task-identifier}
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Create a pull request for '{task-identifier}' on GitHub by visiting:
remote: https://github.com/user/your-plugin/pull/new/{task-identifier}
To github.com:user/your-plugin.git
 * [new branch]      {task-identifier} -> {task-identifier}
Branch '{task-identifier}' tracking remote branch '{task-identifier}'.

Notice that the output of the command includes the URL, which can be used to open a pull request. Copy that URL in your web browser and submit a pull request.