Role Strategy Plugin: user experience
Project goal: Improve UI and REST APIs using new technologies to make it more user-friendly
Skills to study/improve: Java, JavaScript, REST/GraphQL
Role Strategy Plugin is widely used in Jenkins as an authorization engine, but it has a pretty legacy Web UI which could be significantly improved. The plugin’s existing APIs are also very limited, and they could be redesigned.
Redesign the WebUI using a new technology stack, e.g. React
Introduce new REST APIs and CLIs to improve manageability of the plugin
Introduce new logic to query permissions from Jenkins instances, probably as a part of the plugin:security-inspector[Security Inspector Plugin]
Offer new features, e.g. the
mode for Jenkins administrators -
Create more demos for the plugin using Configuration-as-Code and other such technologies
You can find more UX-related requests for the plugin using this JIRA query. As a part of the project applications, ideas for related plugins (e.g. plugin:security-inspector[Security Inspector] or plugin:ownership[Ownership]) may be also proposed.
Create a Jenkins instance with several projects and user roles defined by the plugin
oleg-nenashev/demo-jenkins-config-as-code can be used as an example of such configuration
Try out various configurations of Role Strategy and explore the features documented for the plugin
Provide feedback about your user experience in Gitter
Newbie-friendly tasks
See this JIRA query. More issues can be added to the list if needed, please do not hesitate to ask in the task.
Organization Links
Jenkins GSoC page - documentation, application guidelines
Participate and contribute to Jenkins - landing page for newcomer contributors
Newbie-friendly issues - list of organization-wide newbie-friendly issues (use them if there is no links in the project idea) > Go back to other GSoC 2021 project ideas